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Wednesday 9 February 2011

That Crack is Some Bad Shit (Marion Barry, Black Power Violence, 2011)

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I first heard this sometime last year when the band posted it up as a one-song demo to download on their MySpace. Recorded in 2008 only now getting a proper (re)release free to download (at the moment) from J Randells excellent Grindcore Karaoke label.
With mostly unintelligible vocals ranging from high pitched almost Japanische Kampfhörspiele style rants to the standard PV Grumpy Granddad Grunt and sounding like its been recorded in a dustbin, if you hate Power Violence this isn’t about to convert you.

Luckily I love Power Violence. This isn’t your everyday PV either, they seem a lot more playful than your average Man is the Bastard clone, not just with the obligatory silly song titles and samples. They often throw a curveball from the fast/slow (that they do very well) with the odd two-second lounge music breakdown and mid song laughing. If you heard them on last years ‘This Comp Kills Fascists Vol 2’ you’ll know what to expect.
I'll be honest, this release hasn't changed my life but they nail pretty much everything I love about this sort of music. Big meaty riffs come and go and all the all out blasting any fasthead could want. Songs are nicely wrapped up in under a minute and the rawness of the recording even adds to the experience, listen to ‘Counter Establishment’ and dare to disagree. Stick these guys in Foel Studios and I think you’ll lose the manic energy and spontaneous vocal sounds they come out with, I swear there must be more than two members.

Finally I’ve got to say the bands moniker is amazing! The possibility for stupid song titles based on Marion Barry quotes alone is almost limitless. Actually, here’s a few I just made up…'Bitch Set Me Up', 'Gravity is Racist' and 'It Was Not a Strip Bar, It Was an Erotic Club'. You can have those lads, on the house, no need to thank me.
This release includes the ‘Smoke You Out’ nine-track demo. FREE! You spoilt little blighters.